New PDF release: A Birthday Party for Jesus

By Susan Jones

The that means of Christmas is usually overshadowed by way of the wave of commercialism that precedes it. It’s all too effortless for children to lose sight of the genuine that means of this vacation while their day-by-day cartoons contain a flood of toy advertisements and their concentration is all alone want checklist. This e-book is a heartwarming reminder to teenagers that Christmas isn’t approximately Santa or soliciting for offers; it’s approximately celebrating Jesus’s birthday.

This inviting, full-color, illustrated photograph booklet tells a narrative of wooded area animals getting ready for a huge and interesting occasion. every one web page presents one other clue to younger readers that someplace within the woodland, one unique animal is aware the real which means of Christmas and desires to proportion it with the remainder of his woodland neighbors. through the ultimate web page of the tale, childrens will greater needless to say the best pleasure of the Christmas season is in celebrating the lifetime of Jesus with their kinfolk and group.

  • Teaches children to get pleasure from Christmas through celebrating Jesus!
  • Warm, endearing animal illustrations will appeal to pre-readers and early readers and encourage their imagination
  • Reinforces Christian values in a non-judgmental and non-threatening way
  • Helps to stability the bombardment of commercialism throughout the vacation months
  • The excellent addition to any family’s vacation publication collection
  • Show description

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    A Birthday Party for Jesus by Susan Jones

    by Jeff

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